How to use the Configuration Wizard
I have just connected to my drive in MotionLab for the first time and I get asked to configure my motor by the following pop-up:
How do I have to proceed and how do I get my system fully configured? Let's see what process we need to go through when we use the Configuration Wizard and what to expect out of this auto-configuration process.
Steps (with example)
- The first window that you will see is just a welcome window with some recommendations before starting. After reading it and ensuring any of the recommendations don't affect you, you can proceed.
- The next window asks you for the most high-level information regarding your system. This includes information such as the type of motion (linear or rotatory), the control variable and availability of brakes and loads but what it does not include are gearboxes. Once you have selected your options, click on "Continue".
- The next step is to introduce all the information referring to your motor, which is basically looking at the datasheet of the motor and introducing all the parameters that the Configuration Wizard asks for depending on the motor type. Once introduced, you can continue.
- The next step is to select the feedback devices that will be used in your system. Depending on the drive you might have different options that should include: digital encoder, digital halls, analog signal, analog halls, SSI absolute encoder and sin-cos encoder. Select the ones that are present in your application and continue:
- Once the feedback devices have been selected, you need to introduce the data referring to the particular feedback devices, in case that is needed. This could be for example the resolution of an incremental encoder or the frame of an SSI encoder. Once introduced the data for all your feedback devices you can continue.
- The last step that needs to be done is to run all the steps of the Auto Configuration process so that your system gets fully configured and tuned. If all the steps are done correctly, you will see a green tick next to it indicating that the particular step was done properly.
- Once all the steps have been done correctly, you will get one last pop-up so that you can validate the configuration by moving the motor in a certain direction so that you can choose the polarity of your system. Choose it depending on your application and click "Next".
- After that last pop-up, you will have completed the auto-configuration process and your system should be ready to be fine-tuned or to be operated with. You will get one last slide like the following one suggesting you some things to do:
Useful tips and reliability
- The Configuration Wizard is an interactive, self-supported tool whose main purpose is to get a system configured in a decent way so that someone can start operating with it. That does not mean that the tuning that you get of the motion loops will be optimal or as good as your application needs. It is just a starting point so that you don't start the configuration from scratch.
- Depending on the control variable that you choose at the start, you will tune certain loops and certain you won't. If you choose "torque", then only the torque loop will be tuned, if you choose "velocity" then only the torque loop and the velocity loop will be tuned and if you choose "position" then only the torque loop and the position loop will be tuned. Be aware of this before you try to do a movement with all the motion modes or you might not get what you want since the loop might not be tuned at all.
- The Configuration Wizard is not a tool that can tune ANY system, it works with most of them but there are certain particular cases in which some of the steps might fail and you will need to proceed to configure it manually. Systems with gearboxes or with certain absolute encoders are sometimes the worst candidates to pass the Configuration Wizard, in those cases, you might need to do some steps manually and then go back to the wizard.
- One quick tip when using the Configuration Wizard is to select the following option that allows you to choose which step in the Auto Configuration process you want to start with. This allows you to avoid repeating steps that have already been done.
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